Breast Enlargement

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Surgery to increase the size of the breasts is known as Breast Enlargement. Breast implants are inserted beneath the breast tissue, or chest muscle. Inflating the size of their breasts is a method for some women to boost confidence in themselves. For others, it is part of of rebuilding the breast because of various medical issues. The increase in breast size is achieved by using implants or fat transfer. If you've decreased breast volume as a result of the loss of weight or having a baby, this surgery may help. It can also help correct the shape of your breasts, or correct the natural size of your breasts.

The reasons to breast Enlargement
Breast Expanding is a solution for women who have breasts that appear too small or unsymmetrical. If you have recently had a baby, or have lost weight, your bra size can be adjusted to accommodate your new weight. You can also have your breasts corrected if have had Breast Enlargement Turkey surgery.

There are many ways to increase the size of your breasts
For this surgery, an incision is cut in your skin fold that is natural to you typically on the lower part of your chest. This is where the surgeon will insert the implant. The scar may appear more prominent if are young, thin and don't have children at the time of surgery. Different methods and instruments are utilized by the surgeon for this procedure. The majority of scars are not visible following the procedure.

The surgeon may shave the areola. This is the part beneath the nose. The incisions are used to put the implant. Numbness in the nipple and breastfeeding issues are more likely to occur with this method.

Another approach to breast enlargement is the use of your belly button. Implants can also be put in place by making a tiny cut near the belly button. The implant is then moved up to the breasts using an endoscope. The implant is then filled up with solutions.

What is Breast Enlargement Surgery?
The breasts are the structure that are the foundation of the woman's appearance. Breast Retention Surgery is designed to increase the size of your breasts using implants.

Why the Breast Volume is Important?
Breasts play an important function in making women feel like women. In light of this, the volume of breasts becomes an important issue as well. The breast volume has a prominent position in the shoulder width, chest circumference, waist, and hip circumference measurements. If breast volume isn't high in these measurements and the view of the body contour won't be full. This is why breast enlargement becomes place in all plastic surgery procedures.

What are the most troublesome situations Women can experience with the size of their breasts?
There are a variety of reasons that breasts may be less structurally. Asymmetry can be a result of one breast is smaller than the other. Congenitally, one may even not even exist. The breast enlargement surgery can help make even the asymmetric breasts.

What is the ideal and most effective method for Breast Enlargement Turkey an increase in breast size?
Implants made of silicone are the most reliable method of today to even out or growing the volume of both breasts.

The most talked about topic is Breast Enhancement through Fat Injection. Breast Enlargement procedures that utilize one's fat tissue has been tried and reported to have satisfying results in terms of dimensions. This sounds fantastic since there's no foreign materials. However there are some important aspects to be considered.

Mammography pictures of patients who've undergone Breast Enlargement via fat injection show microcalcifications which is an important sign used for breast cancer screening and diagnosis. Fat injection is something I don't recommend because it could cause severe complications to my patients. I use only breast silicon implants to achieve desired size. Silicon implants will not cause any microcalcifications therefore there will be no suspicion.

What is an Silicon Implant?
Other uses of silicone-containing products include medicine and cosmetics. Silicon implants are balloon-like structures made from silicon , and intended to be placed into the breasts.

There are two kinds of silicone implants: round and teardrop. The main distinction between Round and Tear Drop silicone implants is that they are giving different forms to the breast region.

Which Silicon Implant shape is best?
Your answer to a simple inquiry from your doctor will show the design of the silicone implant used for breast enlargement. "Do you want to have a full decollate?" If yes, then the implant must be round. While a teardrop-shaped silicone implant can make the decollate appear more full however, it's not as efficient as a round implant.

Where are the incisions and scars for placing silicone implants for breast surgical enlargement?
Three locations are accessible: The Inframammary Fold, within the Areola (periareolar) and also as the axilla (or armpit) (transaxillary).

In my practice, I only make an Inframammary fold incision which is concealed beneath the shadow of the breast. The scars that are placed around the area around the nipple may increase in size and bring bacteria to the implant. Scars placed in the armpit or around the axilla could also increase the likelihood of infection by bacteria. Bacterial contamination is an essential problem when foreign substance is implanted into the body. This is thought to be the principal reason behind the capular contracture, which I will discuss in the next paragraph.

Which implant placement is more effective? Are you searching for ways to place implants over or under your muscle?
The final result of breast enlargement is dependent on the location of the implant. It is important to conceal the implant well so that it behaves like it is a breast. The thickness of the tissues around the implant plays an important part in this. If your skin and subcutaneous tissue are not sufficiently thick to cover the implant, the best direction to go is underneath the muscle. If the skin and subcutaneous tissues are not thick enough to obscure the implant, the best direction is to cover the muscle.

Do you have any tasks that must be completed before the operation can begin?
If you're under 40, I want you to have your breasts examined. If you're over 40, I want you to give me the last mammography. I'll get you a mammogram if there has no one. It doesn't matter how old is and if there is had a history of breast cancer in her family, I'd like to have a mammogram.

Operation and the Initial Period Following Operation
The procedure is carried out under general anesthesia. The hospital will only require your stay for one night. The operation will take about 1-2 hours.

For the placement of implants the incision must be about 4-5cm. For placement of the implant I recommend Inframammary Fold Scar. When you have completed the procedure, I'll give you bras that are supportive for the next 4 weeks. A thin tube or drain may be placed to prevent any blood accumulation within the surgical area.

Each surgery has the potential for specific or general risk. After the surgery, you might be afflicted with pain or swelling within your breasts. Bleeding and infections are uncommon. Patients can experience changes in sensitivity around their nipples and numbness around incisions after surgery. This is usually temporary.

There are no stitches to take because I prefer to use an resolvable stitch in this surgery. In 3-4 days, you will be able to your regular routine. Avoid exercise, fitness, and other strenuous activities. For 2 months.

What exactly is Capsular Contraction?
The body produces the tissue known as a capsule that surrounds the implant with the goal of preventing direct contact of the tissues with the implant following an operation to increase the size of the breast. The capsule's thickness is one of the major reasons for problems afterward. A capsule that is thin does not cause any issues. If a capsule is formed, it's mild small hardness can be felt in the breasts and minor shape changes of the breast can be seen.

Capsular contraction is the compression and alteration to the shape of implants by an extremely thick capsule. This is rare. This could lead to some hardness or even an asymmetry of the breasts. Numerous studies have revealed that capsular contractions are inversely linked to the thickness of the capsule. In the case of mild or moderate capsular contracture, external massage and additional operation can be performed. If severe capsule contracture is present, there is no other alternative than to take out the implant.

Does Breast Implantation increase the risk of Breast Cancer?
There is no evidence that silicone implants raise breast cancer risk after breast enlargement surgery. Recent studies have shown that silicone implants can cause an Anaplastic Large Cell Limphoma. To learn more about this issue, please click.

The Last Sentence
The breast enlargement with implant is a procedure which can generally give good and lasting outcomes. It also improves one's psychological health and psychosocial structure and makes one more connected to the world.

It is worth considering Breast Enlargement in Turkey if you are contemplating an increase in breast size.