3 Myths About Clown Colleges

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Révision datée du 1 décembre 2022 à 10:36 par JustineFinn (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « In the event you are looking to dress up as a clown for Halloween or possibly a party, you might buy a clown costume which includes most of what you need for the event. Bu… »)
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In the event you are looking to dress up as a clown for Halloween or possibly a party, you might buy a clown costume which includes most of what you need for the event. But if you want to create a Clown Schools character, if you want your own look and personality to make an event truly special and bring a big smile to everyone within the room, in which case you need clown accessories.

Clown accessories will be the many selections you make to assemble a final character. They include clothing, such as shoes, socks, suspenders, buttons, gloves and hats. Clowns pay special focus on their face and so some kind of face painting or clown makeup will be essential, along with perhaps a clown nose as well as a skullcap or wig. As well as a unique clown personality will add decorative details to complement that clown character. Pins and clown jewelry, special glasses, or props like balloons and magic tricks are other clown accessories to consider.

It might help knowing that you can find different 'traditions' or 'types' of clowns that have developed over many decades and even centuries. You may develop a character within one of those traditions, or for the better adventurous, incorporate different elements from through the types.

The Whiteface Clown - As the name implies, a Whiteface clown uses white base face makeup - like that of a classic circus clown. Despite the artificial coloring, whiteface makeup is just not meant to hide but instead to accentuate, or in some instances exaggerate, the clown´s facial features.

Female Whiteface clowns generally have one type of costume, but use additional makeup to accent the feminine facial features.

The male Whiteface clown has several varieties. The Classic (European) Whiteface is a jester, with soft shoes, baggy pants, a loose fitting top, a neck ruffle, as well as a soft pointed hat. A floppy hat or black skullcap can be substituted for the traditional pointed hat.

The Straight Whiteface clown also dresses in baggy clothes, but uses either all-white clothing with a colorful trim, or multi-colored clothing with a contrasting trim and ruff. Typical clown accessories are a skullcap and wig.

The Grotesque or Comedy Whiteface clown often has more exaggerated makeup than the Straight Whiteface to reflect a more buffoonish character, as well as irregular body proportions for example long stilt-legs, a big fanny, etc. Baggy clothing is used, but tailored to highlight these irregular proportions, and is usually colorful - and even mismatching. This type of clown often wears gloves and wig among other clown accessories.

The Auguste Clown - The classic Auguste clown may seem at first glance to be closer to the Grotesque Whiteface than the Classic Whiteface, in that the costume is often extravagant, exaggerated and mismatched, sporting bold colors and large prints. Augustes often use oversized or undersized clown accessories, such as a tremendous bow tie, a tiny hat, enormous glasses, too small pants, or boat-sized shoes. Suspenders and gloves are other important clown accessories. Although the overall point about Auguste clowns is the fact that you will find few absolute costume "rules," and also the character has more leeway as to how to convey the 'zany-ness' of this type. Auguste makeup includes whiteface but may keep partial flesh tones, and otherwise complements the overall 'exaggerated' look with additional, feature-exaggerating makeup.

Female Augustes frequently sport long eyelashes, wear outrageous dresses, and carry purses.

Tramp Clowns - Tramps will be the most typical of another sort of clown, sometimes described as a "Character Clown". Besides Tramps, character clowns can include "Cowboy Clowns", "Rodeo Clowns" and other modern or contemporary kinds of professionals like policemen or firemen or nurses.

There are actually several types of Tramps, such as "happy, vagabond Hobo" or "sad, down-on-his-luck Tramp", but the costume will be the similar for all of them. A heavily patched dark suit or tuxedo, battered shoes, a crumpled derby or top hat (often without the top) and fingerless gloves will be the basic costume components. Clown accessories for tramps include brightly colored vests, long dark overcoats with a lot of pockets, and walking sticks. Makeup may include white face, and sometimes 'soot' makeup from purported train-travel could possibly be applied to the face also. (The "Bum" type did not travel, so would probably not have 'soot' on his face.)

Female Tramps, called Bag Ladies, usually wear sneakers, a frumpy dress, a scarf or cheap costume jewelry, and a kerchief or a floppy hat.

So that´s a start for building your clown personality. Whether you want to be a 'traditional' sort of clown, or create a wildly original character, clown accessories are the building blocks for your own clown character. Good luck, and happy Clowning!